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Dad  - Lawrie Dickson and Linda Dickson

My Dad -Laurie Dickson

He was the one who took me to my dancing classes

He was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on:

He was the one who took me camping & fishing 

He was the one who loved me as his own:

I am proud to be his daughter.

Joan McCarthy

Mum - Joan McCarthy

Mum was a strong loving woman. 

Always supported us girls 

 her love was unconditional.

 I  always new she defied the 'rules' to keep me.

Laurie Dickson, Joan McCarthy & Linda
Don Lawless & Linda Kelly-Lawless

My Rock - Don Lawless

He has stood by me through my ongoing journey. His support is endless

Peter & Teresa Finn

Peter was a close friend of my Bio father Joseph Kelly. He met him as a young priest and they were good friends until Joseph Passed

away. Peter eventually left the Priesthood. We met at the filming of Foreign Correspondent and have come to know Peter & his wonderful wife Teresa very well. Peter has told me so much about my late father and with Teresa they  have been so supportive, kind and become close friends. I am very grateful for their support and friendship.

Peter & Teresa Finn

Peter & Teresa Finn & Linda Lawless
Peter Finn & Linda Kelly-Lawless

Peter Finn & Myself

Linda Kelly-Lawless

This is my story...

Linda Kelly-Lawless
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